Queen size bed, Bedsheets, Towels, Toiletries, Hot and Cold shower, Kitchen utensils, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Car park (optional) and Housekeeping services (optional)
Childrens Pool, Lap Pool, Gym, Mail box, Security, Electrician, Plumber, 24 Hours generator, Visitors Parking space, Owners parking space.
P 1,700 / night min of 5 nights inclusive of water and electricity
P 11,000 including water and electricity consumption
P 30,000 excluding association dues, water and electricity
Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Hot and Cold Shower, Queen size bed with extra sheets, Lazy Boy with Massager, Dining Table, TV with Cable, Wifi and Kitchen Utensils.
Gym, Swimming pool, Kiddie Pool, Grand Lobby, 24 generator, 24 Security and Function room, Key card Access and owners parking space (optional)
P 1,700 / night min of 5 nights inclusive of water and electricity
P 11,000 inclusive of water and electricity
P 33,000 exclusive of association dues, water and electricity